Deadpool is My Hero (He should be yours too)
I love the Merc with a Mouth. Wade Wilson is the gorgeous wiseass turned butt ugly super healing wiseass known as Deadpool. Deadpool may...
I love the Merc with a Mouth. Wade Wilson is the gorgeous wiseass turned butt ugly super healing wiseass known as Deadpool. Deadpool may...
Dear Caramel Macchiato, You may not remember the first time we met, but I do. Scott Pilgrim had just ordered one of you, You...
Infographic / Life / Thoughts / Writing
12 Nov, 2014
A lot happens here at Crazy Wicked Awesome, blogs, reviews, infographics and those are things I do but… I have absolutely no idea what...
Time for a little perspective here. Recently people have thrown around the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” rather liberally. This is inappropriate fear mongering. Be...
Radio / Reviews / Uncategorized / Writing
9 Oct, 2014
One of the greatest Canadian acts of all time, Death From Above 1979 has finally released their second album The Physical World it is a...
I have a confession that I need to make, I am terrified of my Steam Backlog. There, I said it. I mean it too....
27 Aug, 2014
Sweigh, the clever portmanteau of sway and weigh, is the title of a recently launched iPhone app that serves as an interesting new social...
What’s an able-bodied person? An able-bodied person, colloquially known as a “normal” person is someone who is usually capable of unassisted bi-pedal locomotion. Don’t...
Life is short, some people say too short. I say oh well. Life is meant to be lived, quit complaining. Life is a great...
14 Mar, 2013
Mussolini put all of his starter points into a cheekbone and jawline, but neglected the “don’t jerk up Italy” portion making him a 5/10.