Category: Writing

Fear Mongering isn’t Helping

Time for a little perspective here. Recently people have thrown around the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” rather liberally. This is inappropriate fear mongering. Be...

Sweigh's UI

Sweighing in on the Sweigh App

Sweigh, the clever portmanteau of sway and weigh, is the title of a recently launched iPhone app that serves as an interesting new social...

Able-Bodied Etiquette

What’s an able-bodied person? An able-bodied person, colloquially known as a “normal” person is someone who is usually capable of unassisted bi-pedal locomotion. Don’t...

You Rock at Life

Life is short, some people say too short. I say oh well. Life is meant to be lived, quit complaining. Life is a great...

Starter points

Mussolini put all of his starter points into a cheekbone and jawline, but neglected the “don’t jerk up Italy” portion making him a 5/10.