Drake Sitarz Inanimate
After a brief hiatus due to illness, I’m back with another review! This time it’s Drake Sitarz and his album Inanimate
Inanimate is rather different from other albums I’ve reviewed here at crazywickedawesome.com but that doesn’t make it bad. In fact it’s a nice change.
Thematically, the album revolves around the opening instrumental number. It’s got a great acoustic feel and definitely screams unplugged. Which is great! Drake has a killer set of pipes (ladies this is your time to swoon) and it really shows on tracks like Shelter (my favourite, I’m allowed to have favourites) giving his already strong music an even stronger voice.
Drake wasn’t always the suave 20 something you see here today! He started playing music at the tender age of 8, just fooling around the house until highschool where he got involved with the group Waiting Til Friday. They played a ton of shows and made enough money to professionally record a 6 track EP. Then college happened. Now Drake is a solo act and doing just fine thanks. After roughing it with an iPad, condenser mic and garageband Drake got a number of demos out but nothing serious until a jumpstart from fellow musician, Plainspoke. This launched him into what is now Inanimate. A 10 month project.
But wow is it nice. Yes, it’s rough around the edges, but who isn’t? It makes things flow and meld anyway. I like it. Drake Sitarz is indie music at it’s finest! Why can’t more people be like him?