It’s time for… A MUSIC REVIEW!!! (feel the enthusiasm! no, seriously. FEEL IT!)
So far here at Crazy Wicked Awesome I’ve been fortunate enough to only have reviewed stuff I like that also doesn’t suck in a horrible, toothy way. Quandrant’s Through the Veil is no exception. Their double single is reminiscent of the anthems that went on forever. I welcome the band’s revival of the 5 minute+ tracks.
Quandrant is a progressive Hard Rock group from Liverpool, made of Lloyd Rock and his flowing vocals, Rob Hamer on guitar, David Stephenson rules the drums and Ste Burns provides the bass. Yes, those names are freaking awesome. Also, Yes, I am easily amused. Getting their start in 2009 Quandrant is relatively new to the scene, playing shows around the north-western parts of England (clearly made more awesome by Quandrant) and releasing Through The Veil last year. On a side note, it feels weird to call 2012 “last year” 2012 was the future dammit! I’m not old yet! Now you kids get off my lawn!
Anyway… Photo credit goes to Becca of Dandy Lion photos. Credit where credit is due people jeeze.
Rob Hammer has been kind awesome cool appropriate adjective enough to let me know that the band has an album in the works due out sometime in the spring or summer. I’m excited, my ears are also excited.
Quandrant is a mix of rock and awesome. This gives them a uniquely identifiable sound and I love it.
Bottom line is, I see great things for these guys and I hope they let me come along. *hint hint wink wink nudge nudge*
Go support them! Buy their sounds here!
Happy Listening!
As a side note, the CWA Stream will be on hiatus over spring break next week.